What kinds of vibes does the fuzz pedal effect give you? You can create tones from old sounds, intense distortion, to almost clean tones. All the legendary guitarists were using the fuzz pedal on classic albums, and it has become an indispensable effect pedal for classic rock and blues. On the other hand, you may think that strong sounding distortion and fuzz isn’t articulate enough and may not be upfront in the mix or that the tone may be too old and dated to use. Many have thought that the fuzz is a “difficult” effect to draw the potential out of unless you are a top-class player, and in order to get a “real” fuzz sound you need to use expensive vintage or high-end handmade pedals. Animals Pedal Rover Fuzz overturns this old thinking and makes the fuzz pedal easy to use and sounding great for everyone!
With our latest version of the Rover Fuzz, we have placed the footswitch to the front right side of the pedal for easy switching and made battery access easier than ever. In addition, we have fine-tuned the Rover to play nicely with a wider range of guitars and amplifiers than ever before. Art is always important to us too, so our new pedal designs and artwork are better than ever.
A sweet and singing tone unique to high-quality fuzz is much loved for classic rock and blues lead guitar. If you play chords, add color to riffs with sharp edges. You can play with a prominent presence without being buried in the mix. The Rover Fuzz will take you there and more. Built and designed by people who know the fuzz sound intimately and carefully selected the parts to use. It’s not just another recreation of the same old classic circuits. While still staying true to the classic sound and feel of the fuzz pedal, the Rover Fuzz is tuned to be a more modern sounding and more easily played fuzz pedal. You can produce fuzz tones that match well with more modern tones, and easily work with other pedals. For players who want a deeper sort of tone, try adjusting the WOOL control to make the tone thicker and fatter.
Bring your tone forward into the future with this amazing fuzz from Animals Pedal!
“Vintage fuzztones in an overwhelmingly massive range! The Rover Fuzz covers fuzzy-like walls of sound, thick distortion, hot overdrive, and even clean-like bell tones”
– Marc Ahlfs
“I wanted a warm and “wooly” tone with the fuzztone vibe of the 1960s. But I also wanted a tight sharpness to the tone that will clean up easily. The Rover Fuzz solves such luxurious problems. Based on the classic tone bender style of fuzz, you can control the amount of fuzz dynamically by your picking attack. Regardless of how extreme you set it, there is still the ability to clean up your sound for articulate passages.
From smooth sustainability to angular jagged tones, the Rover Fuzz can cover many classic fuzz sounds in one pedal. THE KEY TO THAT SOUND IS THE WOOL CONTROL. By using this knob, you can make many classic fuzztones from tight, hot, and crisp distortion to fuzz that sounds like a brick wall.
Also, The Rover Fuzz doesn’t have the issues present with vintage fuzz pedals. Like any other standard distortion pedal, it can be used in combination with signals through buffers and Wah pedals. Regardless of the ambient temperature or if performing outdoors in the hot sun, the Rover is always stable and sounds great. It’s a magical fuzz pedal that allows anyone to take out the vintage fuzz tones made by the old school pedals anytime.” – Kaz
ATTACK: Adjusts the distortion and sharpness of fuzz.
WOOL: Adjusts the density and thickness of the sound without changing the basic tone.
LEVEL: Adjusts the output volume.
Rover Fuzz adopts true bypass footswitch and is powered by a 9V battery or a standard center minus DC9V adapter.
※When using batteries, please unplug the input jack to reduce battery consumption when storing the effector. Also, if you don't use it for a long time, please remove the battery and store it.
Size: 64 W x 112 D x 50 H mm (including projections)
Weight: 375g
Animals Pedal x Skreddy Pedals
Effects pedals crafted with serious attention to detail. The vintage tone produced by Marc Ahlfs of Skreddy Pedals has continued to create inspiring sounds that have players around the world drooling – and once they taste it, they never forget it. The effects that Marc builds create an overwhelming sound and are known for luxurious construction with vintage and rare parts. So, it would be impossible for us to recreate these in any numbers.
Our founder Tomokaz Kawamura wanted to deliver the highest quality sound that everyone recognizes to as many people as possible. To achieve that, we released this pedal designed and supervised by Marc himself. It was very important to us to live up to the legend of Skreddy Pedals and not compromise in any way. At first there was concern if the sound could be achieved with standard off-the-shelf parts. But the moment we heard the finished pedal, all the anxiety was blown away. Marc Ahlf’s work managed to capture the Skreddy sound and tones due to his careful and brilliant design. Even if you don’t use “vintage and rare” parts, great tones can be achieved with careful design.
This collaboration between Animals Pedal and Skreddy Pedals shows new possibilities in the world of effects pedals!
Type: Guitar Pedal (FX)
Category: Encore10, FX Pedals, Guitar, Skreddy Design